Chocolate Full Strength Panna Cotta

I’ve been reading a lot on the benefits of gelatin lately and since I’m a big fan of the old “knox blox” from when I was a kid, have been making lots of different kind of gelatin treats for the family.  I’ve come to add a variety of healthy ingredients, such as vegetable juices, Acai and cherry concentrates, aloe vera, etc…  and have even made some vegan panna cotta style chocolate/gelatin desserts for Nathaniel to enjoy (as he has a life-threatening allergy to all dairy products).

Then I got to thinking about Full Strength and have been trying to create a dessert out of it, including gelatin…  and I think I’ve done it!  I’m at least close.

Give this a try when you need a little chocolate (but super healthy and low-fat/cal) snack at night!  Let me know how it works for you and if you have any other suggestions for improving it.

Serves 4


1 cup + 1/8 cup chocolate rice milk (I believe skim milk + 1 TB Dutch cocoa could be substituted)

2 tsp gelatin

1 cup plain nonfat yogurt, preferably Greek-strained style (try Fage’)

1 packet Chocolate Full Strength Premium Nutrition Shake (FS)


Pour yogurt into a medium-sized bowl and slowly add FS.  If you add a couple TB at a time, and slowly mix it in, you should be able to add the whole packet and end up with a “frosting-like” consistency.

Put 1/8 C milk into a small bowl and sprinkle gelatin over the top.  Allow to set up for 5-10 minutes.  While this is setting up, put remaining 1 cup milk (with cocoa if using skim milk) into a sauce pan over med-high heat on the stove.  Bring to simmer and then slowly add to gelatin mix, stirring until all gelatin is dissolved.

Add mix to yogurt/FS mix slowly and pour into four dessert dishes distributing equally.

Allow to set in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours before serving.
