Download Your Radical Intimacy Field Guide Today!

ongoing issues of a relational field guide THAT WILL TAKE YOU AND YOUR PARTNER FROM STALEMATE TO SOULMATE!

  • Receive ongoing issues of transformational relationship practices

  • Learn unique strategies to rewire your relationship

  • Arouse, enhance, and reinvent passion & play between you and your partner

  • Receive fun tips, resources, and activities in each issue designed for Radical Intimacy!


Are you and your partner lovers?

Is your relationship thriving—alive with arousal, playful and passionate? Or have you subscribed to the all-too-common roommate syndrome with your lover? Have you found that in place of flirtation and excitement, your focus has become the “wash, rinse, repeat” of daily to-do’s and responsibilities? More than likely, you’re like the 75% of partnered couples who have lost their way on the path to forever love.

Rest assured. You’re probably what researchers would call “normal.” The problem is that normal tends to get people divorced, or at minimum, living in the relationship spiral of growing dissatisfaction that has most seeking some escape—conscious or not.

you want more.

Yet, that desire for change—the quiet outrage of hearts, bodies, and minds wanting what they were designed for—is a sign to be heeded, a call for action from deep within.

Most of us were not given the knowledge, let alone the practices, that research has shown will keep love and intimacy alive. We’ve been given the Hollywood version—the belief that love is about finding Mr/Miss RIGHT.

Myth: “If it’s the right person, love will just happen!” And if not… “swipe left.”

On top of that, we have entered into a whole new paradigm of what healthy relationship requires. We are not living in the prescribed 50’s and 60’s roles that are the relationship architecture of our past.

love at the next level

We need to understand the evolving needs of love and intimacy, and practice the emotional habits that will meet those needs. Love doesn’t just happen—like fit bodies don’t just happen. We have to train our bodies and, likewise, we have to “train” our hearts for the type of love that not only lasts, but takes us to the next level.

Join me in delving into a new, intentional path toward Radical Intimacy. Take intentional steps for designing a love relationship that is rich in all of the qualities that research has shown to be essential for the relationships most of us crave.



Get in touch

Colorado Couples Clinic understands that finding the right therapist to support your most personal, intimate work is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why a free phone consultation is available so that your needs are understood and we can explore whether or not this is the right fit for your therapeutic goals.

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