“For many of us, there is no form of self-expression that makes us feel more vulnerable than dancing. It is literally full-body vulnerability.”

~ Brené Brown

Moving our bodies, expressively through space—“taking up space”—is a bold and courageous way to be known, to be seen, and to share our inner worlds with others.

I have always felt passionately that our bodies are vehicles for sharing our lives and whether we embody fear, rage, eroticism, awkwardness, wanting, sadness, playfulness… we can be intimately known through exploring and sharing our unique movement through dance—one of the deepest needs of the human spirit.

Since my childhood, dance was a form of expression that invited my curiosity yet, because of a strict home environment, I wasn’t allowed to take structured dance classes. So I consistently sought ways in which I could explore a variety of dance forms—primarily through imagination and play—that helped me connect to my body in a way that had meaning and motion.

I grew up Greek dancing with my family and then in my young adult life, discovered traditional Greek belly dancing. I began teaching and also exploring modern, jazz, lyrical and other more traditional dance forms.

When I moved to Colorado in 1996, I was introduced to Salsa dancing and soon after, joined a Latin dance troupe. I also took a variety of adult traditional dance forms. I owned and operated a Massage Therapy practice and was a Certified Personal Trainer—both of which informed my understanding of how the mind is expressed through the body. Still, I hadn’t found the consistent outlet that integrated my love for movement with my desire to push my body—something that opened me emotionally and simultaneously kicked my ass!

In 2008, I discovered Afro-Caribe, under the instruction of Raquel Cecil and knew I’d found my dancing home! I have danced consistently with Raquel since our introduction and became certified to teach Afro-Caribe in 2011.  Since that time, I have loved being witness to the developing passion and spirit that has come alive in the Afro-Caribe community.

My “other profession” is Somatic Counseling Psychology, where I support individuals, couples, & groups in exploring their psychological worlds through their bodies and then help them find ways of resourcing their bodies, to access the depths of unexplored strength and wisdom.

Both through Afro-Caribe as well as through Psychotherapy, my goal is to help others find their unique way of TAKING UP SPACE in their lives!